I'm going to present about China. It's about, technology, education, entertainment, business, politics and transport.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
China adds government department for charity activities

China plans new 'mega-ministries'

Kenneth Huang's rise from badminton ace to prospective Liverpool owner

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Will China be the World’s Most Powerful Economy Instead of the U.S ?

According to public opinion survey by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe that the top economic power of the world is China, while 27 percent still firmly assure of the US. Yet in fact, most thought is wrong. It seems to be far away from their opinion. Although, China’s economy has grown rapidly, it cannot equate with the strong country as the US. Actually, China is likely to be the most powerful of world economic because there are 1.3 billion people. However, It does not mean the standard of Chinese’s living is better than the US. Furthermore, in manufacturing the US is still the world head because of the higher quality. It is true that China produces lots of production but they are low in quality and coast.
After I read this news, I absolutely agree that China is odd with the fact. I bought some products which are made from China and I found that they are really unendurable. They completely differ from the US’s products. It is not only deterrent in price but also in quality.
Credit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/09/AR2010040903261.html
photo : http://www.ipadrblog.com/uploads/image/China-US.jpg
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
China Floods

I chose this article because the flood is one of the natural disaster that unavoidable. Flood is one of a disaster that had in my country. It damages several things including human life, may die or lost in that one flood. This is a one of the most unavoidable problem that many countries in our world are facing. After that, some people will be a houseless even to be poor.
Problems of natural disasters still make a big trouble with China. Many province in the center of China were flooded and reporter reported that, at least 52 people were died and 20 were lost. The rain hit the mountain and resulting in heavy causalities in three cities, Luoyang, Nanyang and Sanmenxia. 37 of people who died were from Louyang city, which is an ancient capital. Many broadcast and T.V. Channel have to close for a while because of this natural disasters. The staff will begin to clear an area in this 2-3 days. It's not the first time that rain-trigged flood become a big trouble around there, but in 2003 and 2005, It also be a big problem over there. Finally the magnitude and amount of the lost is still being assessed. To sum up, natural disasters is the biggest problem all around the world.
In my opinion, when people are facing to this problem the government should do something that will make those life better. After this situation, the government or wealthy people should establish the organization that directly to this disaster for victim to better life. This problem is the one of the biggest problem that unavoidable in our world but still have some problem that people are facing that we are not know and seen.
Credit : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-07/26/c_13415925.htm
photo : http://disasters.justsickshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ntrl_disaster_china_flood.jpg
British aid agencies started emergency help after earthquake in China

After powerful earthquake in China, there were at least 400 people died and more than thousands were injured. The magnitude 6.9 quake in Yushu country, Qinghai province. ShelterBox has sent one rescue team into China earthquake area. They were sending 500 tents and clothing and quilts for 1000 people. They said the major problem they are facing is lack of tents. The situation in several villages in the mountain is still unknown and roads and communications have been cut. There is widespread destruction and they need our help.
The Red cross said an assessment team from Qinghai province was in the region, and another more charity agencies from Beijing would join them in 1 day. All of charity agencies will decide quickly with their team what help they should give and where should they send a team to help. They knew that it will be vital to get medical supply and medicines to Yushu country as fast as possibleto help the survivors.
The rescue was co-ordinated by Chinese government and British. China have experience of dealing with natural disasters. They can solve the problem well. Most of the buildings in the town were wrecked, and landslides have cut off roads. Hundreds of survivors had been pull from the rubble. In 2008, a huge earthquake struck in Sichuan province, about 800km from Yushu. It left 87,000 people dead or missing and 5 million were homeless.
In my opinion, when people are facing to this problem the government should do something that will make those life better. After this situation, the government or wealthy people should establish the organization that directly to this disaster for victim to better life. This problem is the one of the biggest problem that unavoidable in our world but still have some problem that people are facing that we are not know and seen.
The first time of new planet 's discovery

In a few days ago, I have heard that there is a Chinese scientist who found the new tiny planet while he was on observatory, Cheu Ching San. It was the first time of Chinese scientist that discovered this little planet above China. Mr. Chaohaiping, researcher of observatory , said that this planet spends time to orbit around the sun for 100.29 year around.
In my opinion, this news is such a good news for science world. It may stimulate the scientists to work harder on the astronomy. On the other hand, according to the news it may be an implication that something outside the world has been changing and it may causes huge change on our world too.
photo : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/bigphotos/images/090529-new-planet-found_big.jpg
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Robo Cup

I chose this article because nowadays, everything surrounded us are consist of technology. Such as, TV, computer, air conditioner , water heater and almost cooking . This competition showed the race of the robot, from that showed that our world had developed so fast from last ten years ago.
On 18 August 2010, The robot competition #12 or known as " RoBo Cup" were held at Kung-Par-Sue Department store, China that is the biggest robot competition ever in China. The competition were available for 3 days. Robot team from 171 university came to joined for 1021 teams. The competition were separate for 65 types of challenge, For example, football competition, battle of strategic, rescue robot, nurse robot and protector old people robot. This competition is the most popular technical of robot in China which began first since 1999. In conclusion, This is the interested robot competition and it's good for everyone that interest in it.
In my opinion, from this competition showed that are many students from many school had well education much for create the robot to enter and race in this competition. I agreed to organize this competition shows the appearance of the teenagers who favour in technology.
Credit : http://thai.cri.cn/247/2010/07/19/42s177568.htm
photo : http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/July03/RoboCup.Canuck72.jpg
Music festivals

I chose this article because there are many people in this world is love the thing which is music. Around the our world most countries have a music festivals, including my country, there is around two or three concerts per month and the audiences also pay their money to see those concert. Whatever, if they like they music concert. They also pay their money for that.
Music festival is now distribute to all over the world. Last weekend, there are rock music festival in China that had a good feedback from an audiences all around the country. the Holisland Music Festival, the concert that featuring by many rock bands all around China and famous rock band form others country such as, Simple Plan from Canada. More than 20,000 audiences were came to joined this festival and have a good feedback from them. Music festival in China is very popular and interesting so every month in China, music festival will show at each province for example, Gaungzhuo Music festival in Guangdong province. In conclusion, It show that music festival in China are grow up very fast in the country and distribute to all around the country. If feedback from the audience still good like this, Maybe China will start to think about the biggest music festival in the world.
In my opinion, this situation may help many people in that country relax after their work. It will support the demand of the audiences to see the rock concert in their country. There are not too much that foreign band will be show in other country. If I have some chance in my life I abroad and see the rock concert in overseas.
Credit : http://www.china.org.cn/arts/2010-07/20/content_20534649.htm
Chinese-American Wins Top Prize In International Youth Piano Competition

I chose this article because there are many youths in this world that can play music to win the competitions. The boy, who won that prize is only 14 years old. He have been famous since he was 9 years old. That boy is very famous in the pianist social in China. Many new children who known him let him be their model to start to play some music.
On August 2 2010, George Li, a 14 years old Chinese boy won the first prizes in international youth piano competition. He won the top prize of international youth piano competition. He achieved 10,000 U.S. dollars from the competition. He known as "piano virtuoso" from his public performance since he was 9 years old. In this competition gave a chance to pianist ages 13 to 18 years old all around the world. He chose "Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor". And the others pianist form China also won the second prize and third prize. In conclusion, the results of this competition show that new generation of Chinese boys are improve a lot because the first, second and third prize, Chinese pianist are won it all.
In my opinion, it’s good that they support the boy who won the competition and give money to him. If he won the competition without any reward. He will not get the inspiration to further plays the thing that he loves. The person who play some music is more meditation than other because music make people relax and concentrate to do something.
Credit : http://www.china.org.cn/arts/2010-08/02/content_20619782.htm
Photo : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3323/3180271132_f23aaa549b.jpg
Sunday, August 1, 2010

I choose this article because most of Chinese are riding e-bike on the streets in China. It become popular in recent years, several countries in Asia. It may help to reduce the usage of gasoline and help the global worming. Some place in my country use this car to be a transportation. It can help to decrease money for pay gasoline.
Electric bikes known as e-bikes, become popular in recent years. It around 200 US dollars, they can reach top speed to 30kph and go 50 kilometers, one charge costs 16 cents. In some cities use e-bike approximately 50 percent of all bicycle used. The batteries can be recycled. About 20 million e-bikes were sold each year in 2007 and 2008. It batteries can be charged overnight.
In my opinion, e-bike can reduce the consumption of fuel in the world, from gasoline be a electric. It easier and faster to ride a bike from place to another place. It can move the way that car can not go to and it can reduce the usage of gasoline and the release of carbon dioxide also.
Credit : http://factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=316&catid=13&subcatid=86#3301
photo : http://www.avoncycles.com/products/e-bikes-1_1.jpg
Urban Transportation and Mass Transit in China

I choose this article because the transportation is important to every part of the world. It should be place every part in China for convenient to transport from part to part in that country because China is a powerful country it should have a several transportation in this country for the invester will invest in this country.
Chinese streets are dominated by chaotic of several transportation. The number of cars and trucks is increasing everyday some cities are already covering by exhaust fumes and traffic jams. Beijing subway is predicted to be the largest in the world by 2015. Around 16 million Shanghaiese use the city public transportation everyday and other six million people ride their bicycles every day. Several cities in China are under construction public transport system. China can build these kind of transportation easier and faster than other country because the government owns the land, labor is cheap and protests against the system cannot be organized. Nowadays, at least 15 cities were building subway lines.
In my opinion, China is a powerful country. It’s good that China begin to build several transportation in their country. It much easy to travel from district to another district. From this point travelers can travel easier than the past. Moreover, investers will come and invester more in this country and it will be gains more profit from the new transportation.
Credit : http://factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=316&catid=13&subcatid=86#01
Photo : http://factsanddetails.com/media/2/20080313-shanghaimetro203%20bbc,%20env%20news.jpg
Martial Arts School Starts Soccer Team

I choose this article because there is not many country in the world that applied martial arts with soccer, but China applied it into football. I ever seen the movie that something like this. I never think that it will become true in the real world. It may only one school that fix the martial arts with soccer.
This soccer team took inspiration from Stephen Chow's famous film Shaolin Soccer and World Cup. Li Lin, who is seventeen-years captain, started the team a few week ago. He said that his martial skill would help them to play soccer. His team spend 4 hours a week for practice with coach Wang Xiaobo. However, an anonymous said that monks are permitted to watch games. Finally, They must to according to religious doctrine to go to sleep early.
In my opinion, It’s probably good to apply martial arts with soccer. Soccer attract I think soccer has an influence on everyone, even monk. Many people are interested in this sport. In the future, this team maybe on the top of football team that get an achievement in the world. If there will develop their team as long as possible I believe that it will be happen for sure.
photo : http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/mediafile/201007/09/P201007091046209752263704.jpg
Home stay program in China

I choose this article because nowadays in our world has many country that made home stay for foreign students . China is a big country in the world. It should create home stay for foreign student to study in China. In the future, China will become a powerful country of everything including education.
Beijing International Exchange Center(BIEC) has recently launched an International Volunteer Home Stay Program for hosting foreign students. Following of the Olympic families success, which hosted tourists during the 2008 Olympics. BIEC believes host families can help foreign students understand in Chinese and also improve their language skills.
Credit : http://www.study-in-china.org/ChinaEducation/NewsOpinion/201071640347013.htm
Photo : http://www.blcu.org/images/china_home_stay_program.jpg
China VS NBA charity game

I choose this article because basketball has effect to most Chinese people. They like to play and watch basketball. It was a charity game for poor children in western of China. Baskestball is a sport which is many people in China are playing and prefer to play this kind of sport more than orther.
The NBA star win 101-95 victory over Chinese team in Beijing on Saturday. This charity game is part of the Yao Foundation Charity Tour to help and improve education environment for poor children in Western China. It can make 9.94 million yuan in charity auctions, and another charity game will begin in Taipei next Wednesday. The foundation was established in 2008 in the after the earthquake in Sichuan Province. It has help to rebuild six schools in the earthquake area. The Yao Foundation also provide scholarship for students and help youth develop their sport talent.
In my opinion, this charity is help poor children to get better life and help Chinese people to watch NBA superstars in China. It would make some children begin to play basketball or another sports. it will make more inspiration who play nothing will begin to play some sport from this game.
Credit : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/sports/2010-07/25/c_13413660.htm
Photo : http://images.beijing2008.cn/20070917/Img214159323.jpg
Volunteers for 2010 Asian Games

I choose this article because Asian games has an influence on Thailand and It was host of Asian games several times. I had watched the Asian games on TV when I was young. I remember that It was very popular in Thailand.
Over 600,000 people have apply for volunteer jobs for the 2010 Asian Games, Volunteers can apply their job on internet until Wednesday, 68 percent of volunteers are college student. The 16th Asian Games will begin from November 12-27, 2010 in Guangzhou. The second city in China to host the biggest sports game in the continent after Beijing held the 11th Asian Games in 1990.
In my opinion, Asian Games has many positive effect on Asians people. For example, it can decrease the problem of unemployment in Guangzhou and the part time jobs were increase. Another advantage, it will be an inspiration to many people for the beginning of exercise.
credit: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2010-03/18/content_9611138.htm
photo :http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/sports/2006-11/29/xin_2111032811244215131139.jpg
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Oil Leak Out in the Sea Outside Coast in America

Monday, June 14, 2010
World Cup Mania Effect to Astronauts in Space

Devil Kid..!!

Monday, June 7, 2010
The United States of America

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Manchester United

Bangkok Street Style

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Messi close ties with Maradona

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Red Shirts Crisis

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Global warming

I have heard the news from radio and watched on the television today. They said about the changing climate rapidly. The weather in Thailand increases up from last year, especially in this summer. There are many strange things that happens on the world and the effect is getting worse every day. It does not just affect to people but also animal. They give the example from the cow case. They said although the farm has enough grass and food for cows but they don’t eat anything and obviously lose their weights. Many large farms in Thailand get a big impact from this crisis. They feed their cows as well as they can but it seems nothing is better. The cows refuse the food and act like they have no energy to do anything. The other case of people is 15 deaths. The most of them is the soldiers on the border areas. It is the reaction from their body. The brain stops working immediately when the climate is hot to the max in the afternoon. Moreover, they said the temperature will increase one or two degrees Celsius.
So, I think we should begin doing something for save our world. The first thing we should start with a little things which we can do in the daily life such as turn off the light after work or open the window and turn on the fan instead off using air-condition. There is many things that we can do for our normal world as it was.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Marketing Stragtic

Lao Heng is from Chinese language. Most of Thai people know the meaning of this name. It means "good luck" in English. When the people open their shops each day, many ones usually say " Heng Heng Heng" for the lucky. Although, it's just the faith of fortune but many people still use this name for comfortableness, including me. I think it's easy to remember and going to be the lips of customers.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hotest day

I watched the news on TV. He said “Today is the hottest day in this 50 years" There is 40 degrees Celsius in the North, Northeast and South of Thailand. But in Bangkok is colder than other province. Then It’s going to be hotter in a few days.
I think it is going to make many one to be crazy and moody in this day, especially the people who must go out in the afternoon or work under the sunshine. It might be the reason of many bad situations such as the political crisis of Red Shirts. We should learn how to control our emotions and find some resolutions for make it better in the future.