I choose this article because the transportation is important to every part of the world. It should be place every part in China for convenient to transport from part to part in that country because China is a powerful country it should have a several transportation in this country for the invester will invest in this country.
Chinese streets are dominated by chaotic of several transportation. The number of cars and trucks is increasing everyday some cities are already covering by exhaust fumes and traffic jams. Beijing subway is predicted to be the largest in the world by 2015. Around 16 million Shanghaiese use the city public transportation everyday and other six million people ride their bicycles every day. Several cities in China are under construction public transport system. China can build these kind of transportation easier and faster than other country because the government owns the land, labor is cheap and protests against the system cannot be organized. Nowadays, at least 15 cities were building subway lines.
In my opinion, China is a powerful country. It’s good that China begin to build several transportation in their country. It much easy to travel from district to another district. From this point travelers can travel easier than the past. Moreover, investers will come and invester more in this country and it will be gains more profit from the new transportation.
Credit : http://factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=316&catid=13&subcatid=86#01
Photo : http://factsanddetails.com/media/2/20080313-shanghaimetro203%20bbc,%20env%20news.jpg
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