According to public opinion survey by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe that the top economic power of the world is China, while 27 percent still firmly assure of the US. Yet in fact, most thought is wrong. It seems to be far away from their opinion. Although, China’s economy has grown rapidly, it cannot equate with the strong country as the US. Actually, China is likely to be the most powerful of world economic because there are 1.3 billion people. However, It does not mean the standard of Chinese’s living is better than the US. Furthermore, in manufacturing the US is still the world head because of the higher quality. It is true that China produces lots of production but they are low in quality and coast.
After I read this news, I absolutely agree that China is odd with the fact. I bought some products which are made from China and I found that they are really unendurable. They completely differ from the US’s products. It is not only deterrent in price but also in quality.
Credit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/09/AR2010040903261.html
photo : http://www.ipadrblog.com/uploads/image/China-US.jpg