I'm going to present about China. It's about, technology, education, entertainment, business, politics and transport.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
China adds government department for charity activities

China plans new 'mega-ministries'

Kenneth Huang's rise from badminton ace to prospective Liverpool owner

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Will China be the World’s Most Powerful Economy Instead of the U.S ?

According to public opinion survey by the Pew Research Center, 44 percent of Americans believe that the top economic power of the world is China, while 27 percent still firmly assure of the US. Yet in fact, most thought is wrong. It seems to be far away from their opinion. Although, China’s economy has grown rapidly, it cannot equate with the strong country as the US. Actually, China is likely to be the most powerful of world economic because there are 1.3 billion people. However, It does not mean the standard of Chinese’s living is better than the US. Furthermore, in manufacturing the US is still the world head because of the higher quality. It is true that China produces lots of production but they are low in quality and coast.
After I read this news, I absolutely agree that China is odd with the fact. I bought some products which are made from China and I found that they are really unendurable. They completely differ from the US’s products. It is not only deterrent in price but also in quality.
Credit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/09/AR2010040903261.html
photo : http://www.ipadrblog.com/uploads/image/China-US.jpg
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
China Floods

I chose this article because the flood is one of the natural disaster that unavoidable. Flood is one of a disaster that had in my country. It damages several things including human life, may die or lost in that one flood. This is a one of the most unavoidable problem that many countries in our world are facing. After that, some people will be a houseless even to be poor.
Problems of natural disasters still make a big trouble with China. Many province in the center of China were flooded and reporter reported that, at least 52 people were died and 20 were lost. The rain hit the mountain and resulting in heavy causalities in three cities, Luoyang, Nanyang and Sanmenxia. 37 of people who died were from Louyang city, which is an ancient capital. Many broadcast and T.V. Channel have to close for a while because of this natural disasters. The staff will begin to clear an area in this 2-3 days. It's not the first time that rain-trigged flood become a big trouble around there, but in 2003 and 2005, It also be a big problem over there. Finally the magnitude and amount of the lost is still being assessed. To sum up, natural disasters is the biggest problem all around the world.
In my opinion, when people are facing to this problem the government should do something that will make those life better. After this situation, the government or wealthy people should establish the organization that directly to this disaster for victim to better life. This problem is the one of the biggest problem that unavoidable in our world but still have some problem that people are facing that we are not know and seen.
Credit : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-07/26/c_13415925.htm
photo : http://disasters.justsickshit.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ntrl_disaster_china_flood.jpg
British aid agencies started emergency help after earthquake in China

After powerful earthquake in China, there were at least 400 people died and more than thousands were injured. The magnitude 6.9 quake in Yushu country, Qinghai province. ShelterBox has sent one rescue team into China earthquake area. They were sending 500 tents and clothing and quilts for 1000 people. They said the major problem they are facing is lack of tents. The situation in several villages in the mountain is still unknown and roads and communications have been cut. There is widespread destruction and they need our help.
The Red cross said an assessment team from Qinghai province was in the region, and another more charity agencies from Beijing would join them in 1 day. All of charity agencies will decide quickly with their team what help they should give and where should they send a team to help. They knew that it will be vital to get medical supply and medicines to Yushu country as fast as possibleto help the survivors.
The rescue was co-ordinated by Chinese government and British. China have experience of dealing with natural disasters. They can solve the problem well. Most of the buildings in the town were wrecked, and landslides have cut off roads. Hundreds of survivors had been pull from the rubble. In 2008, a huge earthquake struck in Sichuan province, about 800km from Yushu. It left 87,000 people dead or missing and 5 million were homeless.
In my opinion, when people are facing to this problem the government should do something that will make those life better. After this situation, the government or wealthy people should establish the organization that directly to this disaster for victim to better life. This problem is the one of the biggest problem that unavoidable in our world but still have some problem that people are facing that we are not know and seen.
The first time of new planet 's discovery

In a few days ago, I have heard that there is a Chinese scientist who found the new tiny planet while he was on observatory, Cheu Ching San. It was the first time of Chinese scientist that discovered this little planet above China. Mr. Chaohaiping, researcher of observatory , said that this planet spends time to orbit around the sun for 100.29 year around.
In my opinion, this news is such a good news for science world. It may stimulate the scientists to work harder on the astronomy. On the other hand, according to the news it may be an implication that something outside the world has been changing and it may causes huge change on our world too.
photo : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/bigphotos/images/090529-new-planet-found_big.jpg